visit LIMINAL website https://movieliminal.com/
Liminal feature film
Friendship made us invincible

visit A GIRO DE FALDAS website https://agirodefaldas.com/
A giro de faldas… un viaje al interior de México de Colores documentary feature film
Documenting the gay folkloric dance company México de Colores, A GIRO DE FALDAS explores themes such as gender roles, sexual stereotypes, attire, sexual diversity, and the impact on families of the dancers and audiences, showing us how art always overcomes borders and prejudices in a way that no other medium can. It is a story of success, conquest, and overcoming told through Drag.


visit TANGO AMOR website https://www.tangoamormovie.com/
T@ngo Amor feature film / TV Series
T@NGO AMOR explores human interactions with original and witty tones that vary in each episode while combining several genres, from comedy to science fiction, drama to psychological thriller.

Episode 1: If my life were a movie / Lástima que mi vida no sea como una pelÃcula

Episode 2: Steam / Vapor

Episode 3: Fearing Love / Temo Amarte

Episode 4: App_Love_U

Episode 5: S.M.S. LOVE

visit ANALEMA website http://www.analemamovie.com
Analema feature film
A real, modern, daring, sincere, free, and intense look at relationships.